REGISTRATION FEES: $425 per person competitive (After June 1st $450)
$325 per person instructional - 7-8U only tackle (After June 1st $350)
$200 per person FLAG 5U-7U (After June 1st $225)
All Players are required to sell $100 in Yeti raffle tickets.FOOTBALL AGES: Flag 5-7 years old
Instructional 7-8 years old (Tackle)
Competitive 9-14 years old (Tackle)
REGISTRATION FEES $450 per person competitive (Additional fees for Uniform)
$375 per person instructional - Division 6 & 8 only (Additional fees for Uniform)
All Players are required to sell $100 in Yeti raffle tickets.CHEER AGES: Instructional 4-8 years old
Competitive 8-14 years old
We have homecoming raffle tickets available that you can sell to help offset the costs. Please contact Roberta at [email protected] to pick up tickets.